In December, 2016, I put my press to work in the gift economy. Each broadside is printed with a specific fundraising purpose/place. You are invited to donate directly to me or to links I suggest and I send you the broadside. I do not take a penny for paper, ink, studio use, or postage. Ask me how.
This has had a second edition printed. (shown here) A few are still available with donations to Standing Rock.
quote by Edward Abbey. This broadside will premier at Craft in America Center, L.A., for Earth Day!
This series of broadsides and other print projects began with a quote from Anne Frank's diary and lino-cut by Hukee. 100% of these donations went to Standing Rock in support of Standing Rock Sioux treaty rights and the Water Protectors.
These potholders were printed and sewn for GRuB: Garden Raised Bounty as a fundraiser in 2017. Leterpress printed with wooden type, lino-cut, and metal type around the trim. As always 100% of donations went to the cause. It was a collaborative effort that included Rebeca Potasnik, Fran Potasnik, Molly Runcie, and Josh Moody.